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It was the inhabitants of the richest continent who got to know the first efficiency and non- invasiveness of sodablasting. They tested this method on many levels, and later began propagating it in the world. The history of this technology is associated with the symbol of America - standing at the mouth of the Hudson River - 93-meter Statue of Liberty. In the early 80s of our century, the authorities of New York decided to clean up the most famous statue in the world built in 1884-1886 made of steel and copper. A method was sought that would not damage the surface of the monument in any way, and at the same time would clean it as it would look like a new. At that time, Benny LeCompte decided to come up with a quick, efficient and safe machine cleaning. He tried it on many objects using various abrasives until one day he reached for baking soda, a non-invasive product with no abrasive properties. It was a hit.

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LeCompte, today's owner of SodaBlast Systems ™ in America, constructed a special machine that was able to blast soda in the right quantities and at a speed close to the supersonic. The soda blasted in this way, exploded at the contact with the surface and removed any dirt. That is how the technology was born. Benny LeCompte patented and called it SodaBlast Systems ™ and started its promotion in the world. SodaBlast Systems ™ technology has been used in all industrial areas. It turned out that it is effective and very versatile. Today it is used successfully all over the world. Its era is also coming in Poland, under the name "Sodablasting ™".

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Our services

I am pleased to offer you an innovative and modern method of cleaning various surfaces - SodaBlast Systems ™. This technology allows for quick and safe removal of various types of dirt from any surfaces. We are able to meet all the requirements set for us by clients and we professionally deal with the surface cleaning in the following sectors:

There are no orders we could not do!
We will gladly undertake the toughest jobs in the furthest corners of the country.
We invite you to contact us and our experts will answer all your questions.


Surface cleaning with baking soda? YES, IT IS POSSIBLE!

During the execution of orders, we use the most efficient equipment of the American manufacturer SodaBlast Systems ™ the SB machine - 500 Trailer. SodaBlast Systems ™ is a modern technology for cleaning all kinds of surfaces from dirt, without exposing the cleaned surface to damage. Above average efficiency in removing contamination and no risk of damaging the cleaned surfaces is possible due to the very high speed of ejection blasting flow, which reaches 965 km / h - this speed is three times higher than in regular sandblasters. Due to the high speed, the abrasive granules will break up into the dirty surface, perfectly removing dirt and leaving the surface in an intact condition. SodaBlast Systems ™ is not only more efficient in cleaning, but also in time saving. Thanks to the high speed of blasting flow, the removal of dirt takes less time than traditional cleaning.

SodaBlast Systems ™ offers three operating modes. Their selection depends on the type and intensity of dirt and the type of a surface; two of them are dustless modes, which is another advantage of this technology in comparison to regular sandblasting. Using SodaBlaster ™ machines we have the ability to clean:

• In standard mode called dry-cleaning. In this mode, the abrasive is discharged through the nozzle with a great speed and cleans a surface.
• In hydrodynamic mode, using water. This mode allows eliminating dust that is harmful to health and harmful to the environment by up to 95%. With a hose connected to a tap or a container with water from one side and to a special nozzle from the other, a stream of water is delivered forming an areola around the stream of abrasive/air mixture.
• In the innovative mode called "Water mix". It enables adding abrasive into the container and pouring it over water in the proportion of one to one. This method eliminates dusting in 100%.

To clean steel that may corrode in contact with water after removing rust of paint we can add a concentrate “RUST INHIBITOR” that will prevent a surface from rusting for a three-day period.


Łukasz Toborowicz


Krzywanice 176A
97-565 Lgota Wielka (woj. łódzkie)
NIP: 769-205-39-14